Friday, February 29, 2008

Thanks for all the 123 help

I guess it's another fine example of Howie remembering the past in his own way. There is only one of two things that could have transpired. First there was an ingredient that I forgot. Second we did it with three, baked it, ate it and it was horrible, and we thought it was great. And I thought it was only Ollie and Nova that were drinking. Thanks again to all of my faithful readers. Love you one and all.

Monday, February 25, 2008

One, Two, Three... Four?

I could only find recipes for one, two, three, four cake.

* 1 cup butter
* 1 cup milk
* 2 cups sugar
* 3 cups flour
* 3 teaspoons baking powder,
* 3 pinches salt
* 4 eggs

[edit] Procedure (brief)

1. Preheat oven to 175 °C (350 °F)
2. Cream the butter and sugar together until fluffy.
3. Beat in the eggs.
4. Gradually sift in the dry ingredients, alternating with small additions of the milk.
5. Transfer to a greased and floured baking pan.
6. Bake at 175 °C (350 °F), until a skewer inserted shows no moist crumbs.

Short Story, small question

Only one time in my life, at least that I recall, I had become a baby sitter. I was about twelve years old. The couple down the street were Ollie and Nova Ziebarth. They owned the Uptown tavern. They had a teen age boy. Donnie. He was wild and unpredictable. Totally irresponsible. Nova thought a lot of me. She did not trust Donnie to care for her four year old little girl. So many times on a Saturday night Ollie and Nova stayed at the tavern. Not coming home until the wee hours. Donnie, myself and four year old Sharon had the house to our selves. It was donny brook from hour one. Running, screaming pillow fights. I was never in control. No one ever controlled Donnie. Many evenings, when exhaustion took over. Sharon was asleep. Donnie was docile, we took over the kitchen. He proudly proclaimed " I know how to bake a cake" Surprisingly enough, He knew and we did. It was called "one two three cake" I can still recall the mixing, baking and eating. And the mess we made. What I can't remember are the ingredients. All I know it was one part this, two parts that, and three parts something else. I have thought about this now and again. I wonder what became of the four of them. More than all else, what were the three ingredients? Perhaps some one who reads this Blog would know. Would you share it with me?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Christmas 2005

I know there have been some changes to our family since this was taken, but this is still a nice group shot. We should take a family shot like this every year.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home for the holidays!

We wish you a merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year!

I know this took a while are the fantastic photos from being home at Christmas! I am only sorry that more of the photos did not come out well...but I am ever thankful that I was able to get these shots.

Thanks to my family for making the holidays a pleasure as always. I am very blessed to have been given the opportunity to travel to the east and spend time with you. Meeting baby Lucy was a joy in itself and I am inspired by the love that I know is always present at our gatherings.

I am hoping that all is well for each of you and that you feel the love I am sending from NM.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Love to you all this fine Valentine's day!
Over the years, people may come and go from our lives but the love of our family remains strong.
Let us remember we are loved and celebrate!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Family and Blogging

I love my family and reading your blogs makes it so wonderful to be connected! I like to think I am the type of gal that keeps in touch, but the reality of it is, I am a little lacking in that department. So I hope that my blogging and reading of your blogs and stories continues to keep us close and with each other even though we are far away in miles! I will have some photos and a blog from the trip home for the holidays shortly as I have received a card reader for my camera! Thanks Eliz and Mike!

Love to all!

Worldwords: word of the day...wu wei (woo way) - Chinese
Continuous letting go of expectations.

Today I expect nothing but am ready for anything.