Monday, May 28, 2007

Be Prepared

I'm think I'm known as a pocket stuffer. I carry items I think I might use. Someday. Somewhere.When in the post office last week, the long line had come to a stop. The patron at the window had three large packages which required to be measured. Both clerks were trying to find a tape measure. Each one accusing the other of having lost it. Feeling the anger rising in the line, I decided to act before someone went "postal". I pulled my six foot tape from my pocket and told the clerk, " you can use mine". Which he did. A few chuckles came from the line. The lady behind me was amazed. Imagine she thought "that I should carry a tape". And as I considered the remark I took a mental inventory of my pockets. Left hip. 1 -small bill fold, 2- pill box{aspirin, vitimin "C", gout pills,tums 3 -box of matches....Right hip 1- flash light 2- two pencils with erasers 3 -28 year medallion from AA 4- six foot tape 5- retractable exacto blade {for opening those plastic bags} Rear pockets, wallet and hankerchief . On my belt my multi-tool {knife, pliers, can opener,saw, file, and a few others} I guess I like to be prepared. And in case all else fails, I can call for help on my cell phone. I may call you... Be prepared!